Newsroom Listing

Housing Markets Searching Peak Prices

U.S. Housing Markets Still Searching for Peak Prices

By | 02/23/2022

Higher mortgage rates have yet to cool overheated housing markets across the country as prices continue a steady climb in each of the nation’s 100 largest metropolitan areas, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University.

Madden Center for Value Creation launch


By | 02/15/2022

Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business is establishing the Madden Center for Value Creation, thanks to a $3 million donation from the Bartley J. Madden Foundation.

MHA Alumni Thomas Lee

Defender of Human Rights: Health Administration Alum, Thomas Lee

By | 02/10/2022

Promoting peace and ending domestic violence against women in developing nations inspires Thomas Lee ‘16, FAU Master of Health Administration, in his work at the Latin Counsel for World Peace, also known as the Comisión Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos (CLDHU).

Pandemic Policies

FAU Study Offers New Model for Coordinating Pandemic Policies

By | 02/07/2022

In a public health crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic, imposing lockdowns across entire states or regions and enacting other sweeping policy measures aren’t practical because individual communities may be at different stages of an outbreak.

Kudos: January 2022

Kudos: January 2022

By | 01/31/2022

Kudos honors the accomplishments of FAU Business faculty, staff, and students.

Housing Markets Overvalued

Study Ranks Florida, Ohio Housing Markets Among Nation’s Most Overvalued

By | 01/25/2022

When it comes to metropolitan areas with the nation’s most overpriced homes, Florida and Ohio are leading the pack, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University.

