Business Press Releases


Rent Growth Slowing in Two Florida Metros but Still a Problem in U.S.

By | 08/29/2022

Two Florida markets hampered by dramatic rent increases over the past year finally appear to be getting relief, but much of the nation remains in the cross hairs of a crisis, according to the latest monthly analysis by researchers at Florida Atlantic University and two other schools.

Housing Peak

Study: More U.S. Housing Markets at or Near Pricing Peaks

By | 08/25/2022

Home prices appear to have peaked in a growing number of U.S. markets, according to a July analysis by researchers at FAU and FIU.

Supply Chain Management

FAU Survey: Firms Expect Supply Chain Woes to Wane

By | 08/16/2022

Supply-chain delays and shortages that have hampered deliveries since the COVID-19 pandemic could soon be easing, according to a business survey by a researcher at FAU.


Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

Hannah Herbst

College of Business Alumna Creates Life-Saving Technology

By | 06/04/2024

An alumna of Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business is making waves for her company that aims to reduce deaths from blood loss.


Departments departments

Supply Chain image

Report: Transportation Prices Rising as Logistics Industry Shows Signs of Recovery

By | 06/11/2024

Transportation prices and warehouse utilization rose in the latest supply chain management report, signaling that the logistics industry could be making a comeback, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University and four other schools.

