Business Press Releases

Ricci Award

Ricci Wins ‘South Florida Tourism Professional of the Year’ Award

By | 10/13/2021

Peter Ricci, Ed.D., director of Florida Atlantic University’s hospitality and tourism management program, was named the 30th annual South Florida Tourism Professional of the Year by the Academy of Hospitality & Tourism (AOHT). 

Covid Study

FAU Study: COVID-19 Especially Harmful in at-Risk Communities

By | 10/05/2021

Florida communities struggling with health and social challenges before the COVID-19 pandemic bear disproportionate risk of infection and death, according to a new study from a researcher at Florida Atlantic University.

Housing Market

In Booming Markets, Homebuyers Paying Above Long-term Pricing Trends

By | 09/28/2021

Homes selling for more than they should is a worsening problem in Austin, Texas, as the metropolitan area posted the biggest premium increase among the nation’s 100 largest housing markets, according to new rankings by researchers at Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University.


Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

Hannah Herbst

College of Business Alumna Creates Life-Saving Technology

By | 06/04/2024

An alumna of Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business is making waves for her company that aims to reduce deaths from blood loss.


Departments departments

Supply Chain image

Report: Transportation Prices Rising as Logistics Industry Shows Signs of Recovery

By | 06/11/2024

Transportation prices and warehouse utilization rose in the latest supply chain management report, signaling that the logistics industry could be making a comeback, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University and four other schools.

