Declaring a major, minor, or certificate in the College of Business
Undergraduate students who wish to make any changes to their program of study (add or remove majors, minors, or certificates) should meet with an academic advisor in the advising office that houses their chosen program. If you are making a change within your current FAU college, you can schedule an appointment through Success Network (Navigate). If you are making a change to another FAU college, please call that advising office to set up a meeting. You can find all advising offices and contact info at www.fau.edu/advising.
Declaring a Business Major
Admission to FAU does not guarantee admission to any specific major. All prospective students are admitted as "Pre-Business."
Pre-business students who have completed the requirements to declare should schedule an appointment with an academic advisor to complete the necessary paperwork. Students are expected to declare a major by the time they have 60 credits earned.
Non-business majors who are considering a change to business should call 561-297-3688 and press 6 to request an appointment with a business advisor to discuss.
Making Appointments with Business Advisors
College of Business Majors and Requirements to Declare
Declaring a Business Minor or Certificate
- You must be declared in a major before you can consider declaring a minor or certificate.
- Review available business minors and certificates.
- Meet with a business advisor to discuss the program in which you're interested.
- Business majors: If the minor or certificate would not extend your graduation requirements, the advisor can submit the request to add the program to your file during your meeting. Non-business majors: The business advisor will detail in the meeting notes how many courses and credits are required for the program and how many terms it would take to complete so that your main college advising office can review the info. The business advisor will then submit the request which will have to be approved by your main college advising office.