2014 Polls
November 2014
- Forty percent of Hispanics will spend less on holiday shopping compared with last year
- Sixty seven percent of Hispanics prefer brick-and-mortar shooping to online
- Fifty percent of respondents earning more than $75,000 are planning to do the majority of their shopping online
October 2014
- Democrats keep edge with Hispanic voters despite split on President Obama
- Hispanic voters who were reached by parties expressed a greater desire to vote in the midterm elections
- The economy remains the most important issue for Hispanic voters
September 2014
- Hispanics are more optimistic than in August about the economy
- One in five Hispanic women do not have healthcare insurance while one in ten Hispanic men are without as well
- Hispanic men finds it easier to afford healthcare than women
- Nearly three out of four Hispanics think the criminal justice system is not fair
August 2014
- Hispanics are less optimistic about the economy than the population as a whole
- Hispanics support pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants
- Hispanics want to see the legal process sped up for illegal children immigrants