Executive Students Explore Japanese Business and Culture

By Katarina Brant | 08/20/2024

Tags: Bulletins | Executive-Education | Management
Categories: Academics | Faculty/Staff | Students

Executive Education in Japan

Florida Atlantic Executive Education Programs offered students a special opportunity to visit Japan this past summer. Alongside Dr. Derrick Huang and program coordinator, Kelly Senker, I had the pleasure of leading our group on a ten-day journey that blended insightful business interactions with rich cultural explorations from Kyoto to Tokyo.

Our itinerary was carefully crafted to offer exposure to both the traditional and modern aspects of Japanese culture. Cultural immersion was a cornerstone of our experience—from the vibrant streets of Tokyo to the majestic slopes of Mount Fuji and the historical ambiance of Kyoto.

The academic component of our trip featured visits to the key companies and institutions that shape Japan's business landscape. We engaged with the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, met with innovators at Ubie—a rising healthcare technology company— explored logistics at Yamato Transport, discussed technology at IBM, examined retail strategies at fashion retailer Adastria, learned about renewable energy at Agile Energy X, and witnessed innovation at technology giant Omron.

Exec Ed in Kimonos


These visits offered us insights into the nuanced strategies and operational techniques that drive success across various industries, reflecting the distinctive and thoughtful Japanese approach to business.

The Tokyo segment of our trip included iconic sites such as the Imperial Palace, Akihabara's electric town, Tokyo Station, Asakusa’s historic district, the ancient Senso-Ji Temple, and the Tsukiji Fish Market. We climbed to the 5th Station of Mount Fuji and admired the breathtaking views from the Chureito Pagoda. Riding the bullet train was a highlight, whisking us through the picturesque countryside and rice fields. While in Kyoto, we visited the serene Kiyomizu-Dera Temple, the historic Gion Geisha District, the awe-inspiring Arashiyama Bamboo Forest, and the Great Buddha statue in Todai-ji.

Food was central to our exploration of Japan, as no international trip is truly complete without experiencing local cuisine. We explored culinary traditions, from the delicate art of sushi making to the tranquil rituals of a traditional tea ceremony and matcha class, and a sake brewery tour. Each culinary adventure enriched our appreciation of Japanese culture, tradition, and taste, all while showcasing the renowned spirit of Japanese hospitality.



Japan was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. As a young woman who wanted to study abroad as an undergrad and never got the opportunity, I was ecstatic when I found out my master’s program offered it. It wasn’t about IF I was going, but WHEN I was going!

 I’ll always cherish the cultural experiences I had, like dressing in a Kimono and walking the streets of Kyoto with new friends, the insights gained from meeting business leaders, and the friendships I formed. It was truly an incredible experience!

                                                                              ~Lilliana Medina, Student l Executive Master of Health Administration

The profound impact this study abroad trip had on our students is undeniable: broadening cultural horizons and deepening our understanding of global business dynamics. This experience sharpened our students’ abilities to act as influential leaders in a world where business boundaries are continually expanding.

Looking ahead, our Executive Education Programs will be offering an extraordinary opportunity next May to explore South Africa. This upcoming trip promises to be another incredible adventure, providing unique insights into the diverse business environments and rich cultures of Africa. 

