Course Information - MIS Minor
Overview of Course Information
Course Descriptions
- ISM 3011 Management Information Systems (Prerequisite: ISM 2000). Essentials and management of information systems resources; information systems in the organization; social implications; use and evaluation of common microcomputer software packages.
- ISM 4133 Advanced Systems Analysis and Design (Prerequisite: 9 credits completed in MIS major or minor). Life cycle of information processing systems, planning and control of projects, documentation, formal techniques and use of generalized software packages.
- Any two ISM courses 3000 level or above depending on your interests
While earning the MIS minor is not limited to specific MIS elective courses, the following suggested MIS minor paths could be chosen depending on the student’s interests and career goals:
- Programming and Databases path: For electives, choose ISM 3230 and ISM 4212
- Information Security path: For electives, choose two of the following three courses: ISM 4320, ISM 4323, or ISM 4324
- Business Analytics path: For electives, choose two of the following three courses: ISM 3116, ISM 4117, or ISM 4403
- For Social Media and Web Technologies path: For electives, choose two of the following three courses: ISM 4041, ISM 4420, ISM 4054, or ISM 3007
Program Sheets
- Additional details about program courses can be found in the following document:
Technology Tools Used
- Interested in learning more about the tools/software/programs we use?
- Check out our Course Tool List Document to view a list of all the tools/software/programs we use in our MIS Courses
Course Spotlight Videos
- Interested in learning more about a specific Management Information Systems & Operations Management Course?
- Check out our course spotlight videos page and get an inside look into what goes on in each of our courses