Virtual National Conference of Undergraduate Research 2021

Students from the Business and Economics Polling Initiative (BEPI) attended the Virtual National Conference of Undergraduate Research (NCUR) on April 12-14, 2021. The National Conference of Undergraduate Research is one of the nation's largest multi-disciplinary research conferences that is open to all undergraduate researchers nationally to present their research.  This conference hosted around 2000 participants including 11 students from FAU, 6 of whom were from BEPI.  Students from BEPI did oral presentations.


abigail george: Causes of Procrastination Among Gender and Age Groups

anna simonson: Is America "One nation under God"?

christian lecky: Outer Space- the New Discourse

daniela rivera-citron: The American Food System: Food for Thought?

kevin lopez pelaez: American Sentiments on Behavioral & Cognitive Qualifications within Elected Officials


lorenzo gari: Factors of Political Affiliation: America’s Choices




