Research Highlights: Women-related Topics in Business and Life
By Denise Gravatt | 03/24/2021
Tags: Accounting | Economics | Entrepreneurship | Finance | Health-Administration | Management | Phil-SmithCategories: Faculty/Staff | Research
FAU College of Business faculty actively earn research project funding as well as
research and publish on gender-related themes across the many facets of business—from
Management, Entrepreneurship and Health Administration to Finance, Economics and Accounting.
Covering opportunities and challenges faced by women in both business and life contexts, our COB faculty research and provide evidence-based insight into a vast array of topics:
Female Entrepreneurs
- Influences on women’s employment growth ambitions
- Variations in the gender gap across nations - starting new ventures
- How women pursue and perform in social ventures
- Gender influences on choices of equity crowdfunding offerings vs IPOs
Corporate Policy
- Gender and corporate policies of information disclosure
Women in Leadership Roles
- Female-led firms: high growth by leveraging human and financial capital
- Presence of female directors on supervisory and management boards (public and private firms across 41 advanced and emerging European countries)
- Female partners in U.S. public accounting firms (gender equity and bias in prestige of clients served)
- Effects of mandated female board representation on firm performance and firm risk
- Impact of equity-driven legislation on female board representation
- Board diversity and corporate innovation
Career Outcomes for Women
- Female communication styles and impact on compensation and other non-hierarchal rewards (e.g. increased span of control)
- Employment growth and benefits disparity between men and women in the context of jobs created from business advisory services of publicly funded organizations
- Perceived workplace gender discrimination and consequences
- Gender disparities in academe in obtaining higher ranking positions and in allocating named professorships
Women’s Health-related Issues
- Maternal mortality and public health programs (Florida study)
Contributing Faculty (Anna Agapova, Mingxiang Li, Gulcin Gumus, Sharmila Vishwasrao, Julia Higgs, Joseph Rakestraw, Patrick Bernet, Len Trevino, Douglas Cumming, Siri Terjesen, Sofia Johan, Kevin Cox and Gary Castrogiovanni)
References available for published articles.
- Journal of Management*
- Small Business Economics*
- British Journal of Management
- European Management Journal*
- Journal of Small Business Management
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journal of World Business
- Entrepreneurship & Regional Development
- Corporate Governance: An International Review
- Academy of Management Learning & Education
- Communication Research
- The Leadership Quarterly
- The Milbank Quarterly
*indicates two or more articles published in journal.