FAU College of Business Faculty
New Hybrid Format: Students May Attend Courses In-person or Live Online
One of the strongest attributes of the Florida Atlantic University Executive PhD is the highly esteemed and experienced faculty.
The faculty members in the Executive PhD Program are selected from the nearly 90 full-time faculty in the College of Business. Selection criteria include excellence in teaching, consulting, research, and publication.
What makes FAU College of Business faculty special?
They have earned doctoral degrees from the nation's most prestigious AACSB accredited universities, such as Harvard, Wharton School, Northwestern, MIT, Columbia, Chicago, NYU, and Michigan.
Consulted with Fortune 500 firms, small businesses, and government; published numerous texts and articles in leading academic business journals, such as: Accounting Review, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Accounting Horizons, Journal of Accounting Research, Financial Review, Financial Management, Journal of Financial Research, Financial Analyst Journal, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Retailing, Journal of Consumer Marketing, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Research, Public Opinion Quarterly, Columbia Journal of World Business, International Business Studies.
Published articles in the most widely recognized practitioner-oriented business and trade journals such as: Harvard Business Review, Journal of Accountancy, Business Horizons, Long Range Planning, Marketing News, American Demographics, The CPA Journal, Journal of Taxation, Financial Executive, Banker's Magazine, Bank Marketing, Productions and Inventory Management, The Financial Planner, The Personnel Administrator, The Development Journal.
FAU College of Business Executive PhD Faculty
Anita Pennathur
Stone Fellow & O'Maley Distinguished Professor
Finance Department
Email: pennathu@fau.edu
Research Interests: International Financial Market Integration, Developing Countries and Economic Development, Performance, Governance, Regulation of Multinational Institutions and Markets.
Cheryl Burke Jarvis
Chair & Phil Smith Professor of Free Enterprise
Marketing Department
Email: jarvisc@fau.edu
Research Interests: Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Higher Education, Philanthropy
Christopher Boudreaux
Associate Professor
Economics Department
Email: cboudreaux@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Small Business
Chul Woo Yoo
Associate Professor
ITOM Department
Email: yooc@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Information Security, Business Analytics in Social Media, Consumer Behaviors in Electronic Commerce
David Javakhadze
Associate Professor
Finance Department
Email: djavakhadze@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Finance
David Menachof
Associate Professor
ITOM Department
Email: dmenachof@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Global Supply Chain Management with a focus on Supply Chain Security and Risk, Logistics and Transportation, Liner Shipping and Containerization, Business Process Improvement
Derrick Huang
Associate Professor
ITOM Department
Email: dhuang@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Digital Transformation, Technology Strategy, Data Analytics, Healthcare Information Systems, Risk Management
Donald Neubaum
DeSantis Distinguised Professor of Management/Entrepreneurship
Management Programs - Entrepreneurship
Email: dneubaum@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Management, Entrepreneurship
Douglas Cumming
Finance Department
Email: cummingd@fau.edu
Area of Expertise: Financial Market Misconduct & Fraud, Venture Capital, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Crowdfunding
Eric Chiang
Associate Professor
Economics Department
Email: chiang@fau.edu
Research Interests: International Economics, Economics Education, Intellectual Property Rights
Areas of Expertise: Economics of Education, International Economics, Game Theory
James Wainberg
Associate Professor
Economics Department
Email: jwainberg@fau.edu
Research Interests: My research examines decision making in accounting and auditing contexts using behavioral decision theory. Specific interests include audit risk factors, regulatory inspections of audit firms, professional skepticism, and whistleblower reporting.
Julia Higgs
School of Accounting
Email: jhiggs@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Auditing, Financial Accounting, Accounting and Cybersecurity Issues, Audit Committees, Risk Disclosures
Mark Kohlbeck
School of Accounting
Email: mkohlbec@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Financial Accounting, Fair Values, Intangible Assets, Audit Markets
Melanie Lorenz
Associate Professor
Marketing Department
Email: lorenzm@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Cross-Cultural Service Encounters, Innovation and Creativity, Global Marketing Strategy, Cultural Intelligence
Michael Harari
Associate Professor
Management Programs - Leadership & Human Resources
Email: mharari@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Performance Appraisal, Personality, Employability, Talent Acquisition
Milad Baghersad
Assistant Professor
ITOM Department
Email: mbaghersad@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Supply Chain Management, Disaster Resilience, Business Analytics, Machine Learning
Ravi Behara
SBA Communications Professor
ITOM Department
Email: rbehara@fau.edu
Research Interests: Healthcare Services and Service Analytics
Area of Expertise: Information Technology and Operations Management
Rebel Cole
Lynn Eminent Scholar Chaired Professor of Finance
Finance Department
Email: coler@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise:
Small Business Finance, Financial Institutions, Commercial Banking, Corporate Governance,
Real Estate
Roland Kidwell
Chairl, DeSantis Distinguished Professor of Management/Entreprenuership & Director,
Adams Center for Entrepreneurship
Email: kidwellr@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise:
Family Business, Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics
Scott Seavey
Assistant Professor
School of Accounting
Email: seaveys@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise:
Siri Terjesen
Professor & Associate Dean for Research and External Relations at FAU Business
Management Programs
Email: sterjesen@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Corporate Governance, Higher Education, Philanthropy
Steven Caudill
Chair & Kaye Family Professor
Finance Department
Email: scaudill@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise:
Research Interests: Applied Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics
William Luther
Assistant Professor
Economics Department
Email: wluther@fau.edu
Areas of Expertise: Business Cycles, Economic Growth, Monetary Policy, Cryptocurrencies