Business Press Releases

FAU's Chair Medal Ceremony: Recipients

FAU's Chair Medal Ceremony Honors Its Inaugural Class of Recipients

By | 05/03/2023

The Florida Atlantic University Chair’s Medal recently was awarded to its inaugural group of recipients at the Eleanor R. Baldwin House at FAU’s Boca Raton campus.

Florida Homebuyers Paying Steep Premiums

Study: Florida Homebuyers Paying Steep Premiums

By | 05/02/2023

A leveling off of U.S. home prices means markets aren’t as overvalued as they used to be, but Florida buyers are still paying well more than they should, based on long-term pricing trends, new research shows.

NCAA Limitations

FAU Expert: New NCAA Transfer Limitations are Essential

By | 05/01/2023

New NCAA legislation to limit student-athlete transfers was a necessary adjustment that will help improve the college sports landscape and ultimately benefit the players themselves, according to a sports management expert at Florida Atlantic University.


Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship

Hannah Herbst

College of Business Alumna Creates Life-Saving Technology

By | 06/04/2024

An alumna of Florida Atlantic University’s College of Business is making waves for her company that aims to reduce deaths from blood loss.


Departments departments

Supply Chain image

Report: Transportation Prices Rising as Logistics Industry Shows Signs of Recovery

By | 06/11/2024

Transportation prices and warehouse utilization rose in the latest supply chain management report, signaling that the logistics industry could be making a comeback, according to researchers at Florida Atlantic University and four other schools.

